Privacy policy.

Data Privacy Policy

Protection of Personal Information.

Express acceptance of this Policy in accordance with its terms occurs when the owner of the information provides their personal data through any channel or means established by Huenei IT Services, and/or when they acquire or use any of their services. or products, and/or when Huenei IT Services acquires services or products from said owner contracts with him in any way.

If you do not want Huenei IT Services to collect your Personal Information and Data, please refrain from providing it. Likewise, remember that you may, at any time, request the withdrawal or blocking of the Information and Personal Data referred to in this Policy, in accordance with the provisions of Law 25,326 on the Protection of Personal Data and its regulatory decrees.

Please note that Personal Information and Data are recorded when, among other cases, you communicate with our staff by any means, such as, for example, by telephone, email, face-to-face meetings to make inquiries, request information, request a quote , when using the website, when you participate in a job call opened by Huenei IT Services.


For the purposes of this Policy, it is understood as:

“Authorization”​: Prior, express and informed consent of the Owner to carry out the Processing of their personal data.

The authorization of the Owner will not be necessary when it comes to:

  1. Information required by a public or administrative entity in the exercise of its legal functions or by court order
  2. Public data.
  3. Medical or health emergency cases.
  4. Processing of information authorized by law for historical, statistical or scientific purposes.

“Privacy Notice”: Verbal or written communication generated by the Controller, addressed to the Owner

for the Treatment of your personal data, through which you are informed about the existence of the information Processing policies that will be applicable to you, the way to access them and the purposes of the Treatment that is intended to be given to the personal data. , as well as how to access your rights.

“Database”: Organized set of personal data that is subject to Treatment, in accordance with the provisions of Dec. 1558/2001.

“Public Data”​: It is the data that is not semi-private, private or sensitive. Public data are considered, among others, data relating to the marital status of people, their profession or trade, and their status as a merchant or public servant. Due to its nature, public data may be contained, among others, in public records, public documents, official gazettes and bulletins, and duly executed judicial rulings that are not subject to confidentiality.

“Sensitive Data”​: Sensitive data is understood to be data that affects the privacy of the Owner or whose improper use may lead to discrimination, such as data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical convictions, membership in unions, organizations. social, human rights or that promote the interests of any political party or that guarantee the rights and guarantees of opposition political parties, as well as data related to health, sexual life, and biometric data.

“Treatment Managers”: Natural or legal person, public or private, who, by themselves or in association with others, carries out the Processing of personal data on behalf of the Data Controller; person outside the organization. For this specific case, they are those people hired by HUENEI IT SERVICES, who act on behalf of HUENEI IT SERVICES (i) in the management of administrative and/or accounting processes that involve the processing of personal data, or (ii) in the development of the contracted provision of services or sales of products.

“Personal Information and Data”​: Any information linked or that can be associated with one or more specific or determinable natural persons.

“Responsible for Treatment”​: Natural or legal person, public or private, who alone or in association with others, decides on the database and/or the Processing of the data. For this specific case it is HUENEI IT SERVICES.

“Headline”​: Natural person whose personal data is the subject of Treatment.

“Transfer”: The transfer of data takes place when the Controller and/or Processor of personal data, located in Argentina, sends the information or personal data to a recipient, who in turn is Responsible for the Treatment and is located inside or outside the country.

“Transmission”​: Processing of personal data that involves the communication thereof within or outside the territory of the Republic of Argentina when its purpose is to carry out a Processing on behalf of the Controller.

“Treatment”: Any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion.

Consequences of acceptance of the Policy – ​​Purposes of the processing of Information and Personal Data

By accepting this Policy, each Owner expressly authorizes HUENEI IT SERVICES to process their Personal Information and Data, partially or totally, including collection, storage, recording, use, circulation, processing, deletion, transmission in the terms of this Policy and/or transfer of the data provided for the purposes described in the Data Processing Policies of said third parties to whom the Information and Personal Data are transferred.

With the acceptance of this Policy, in your capacity as Owner of the Information and Personal Data collected, you authorize the processing of said data for all the purposes established in this Policy and especially for:

  1. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to establish and maintain the business relationship; send information regarding the legal, commercial, contractual or obligatory relationship; collect accounts receivable; make payment of accounts payable; and for any other purpose that results in the development of the relationship that arises.
  2. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to send commercial information or that Huenei IT Services considers may be of interest to the Owner.
  3. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to make it available to the personnel in charge of the corresponding work, within the company, without excluding the possibility of being transferred to managers, consultants, advisors, external people and offices as necessary.
  4. Use, when appropriate according to the reason for which the information was delivered, it and the Personal Data provided for marketing purposes of the services and products of Huenei IT Services and the products and services of third parties with which that Huenei IT Services maintain a business relationship.
  5. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to request surveys and post-sales monitoring to establish satisfaction with the services provided or goods sold by Huenei IT Services for statistical and continuous improvement purposes, or for evaluations. qualitative and quantitative of the levels of services or goods received by Huenei IT Services.
  6. For the transfer of data to third parties in the same sector or sectors related to Huenei IT Services, so that the owners can learn about and have access to other product and service options.
  7. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to maintain the records required by law.
  8. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to issue certifications required by the Owner.
  9. Use the Information and Personal Data provided to make accounting records.
  10. Provide Information and Personal Data to national and international control and surveillance, administrative, police and judicial authorities, pursuant to a legal or regulatory requirement.
  11. Allow access to Information and Personal Data to auditors or third parties hired to carry out internal or external audit processes specific to the commercial activity that HUENEI IT SERVICES develops.
  12. Consult and update Personal Information and Data.
  13. Contract with third parties the storage and/or processing of Information and Personal Data for the correct execution of the contracts entered into with HUENEI IT SERVICES under the security and confidentiality standards to which HUENEI IT SERVICES is obliged.

HUENEI IT SERVICES does not sell or transfer the Information and Personal Data of the Owners to third parties for a price.

Protection of Your Personal Information.

HUENEI IT SERVICES​respects the privacy of all Owners. To carry out the work of HUENEI IT SERVICES, the Information and Personal Data of the Owners will be collected and used, taking appropriate security measures and allowing them at all times to access their information and exercise all their rights.

The processing of Personal Information and Data by the Controller and the Processors is framed in the guarantee and respect of the treatment principles defined by Law 25,326. We thus guarantee legality, adequate treatment with respect to the purpose, freedom, veracity or quality, transparency, restricted access and circulation, security and confidentiality of your Personal Data.

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of your Personal Information and Data, it has physical, electronic, administrative means and security procedures designed to safeguard and secure the Personal Information and Data that is collected. HUENEI IT SERVICES has its own internal database processes that comply with the legal obligations of security and confidentiality imposed by Law 25,326 on the Protection of Personal Data. All of the above reduces the risks of malicious interference in stored Personal Information and Data.

Every contract of HUENEI IT SERVICES with employees and contractor suppliers, external consultants, temporary collaborators, etc., that involves the processing of Information and Personal Data of the Owners included in the Huenei IT Services databases, includes a contract of confidentiality that details your commitments for the protection, care, security and preservation of their confidentiality, integrity and privacy, even after your link or contractual relationship with Huenei IT Services has ended.

Information and Personal Data that Huenei IT Services has about the Owners

In all cases that you provide personal information, and in accordance with current legislation, you declare that the Information and Personal Data provided are true.

Huenei IT ServicesIt assumes the veracity of the information provided and does not verify, nor does it assume the obligation to verify, the identity of the Owners, nor the veracity, validity, sufficiency and authenticity of the data that each of them provides. Therefore, it does not assume responsibility for damages and/or losses of any nature that may arise from the lack of veracity, validity, sufficiency or authenticity of the Information and Personal Data, including damages that may be due to homonymy or impersonation. of identity. The Information and Personal Data that Huenei IT Services will collect and process will be the following:

  • Tradenames.
  • Tax and fiscal identification information.
  • Bank information for payments via transfer.
  • Contacts.
  • Copy of supporting documents for tax and banking information.
  • Name and surname.
  • Type and identification number.
  • Birthdate.
  • Gender.
  • Blood type.
  • Nationality and country of residence.
  • Landlines and contact cell phones (personal and/or work).
  • Postal and electronic addresses (personal and/or work).
  • Credit and debit card(s) information (number, bank, expiration date).
  • Biometric data, including images, photographs, videos, voices and/or sounds, fingerprints.
  • Profession or occupation.
  • Company where you work and position.
  • Salary.
  • Function.
  • Social Work, affiliation data and/ Prepaid Medicine.
  • All data that can legally be collected through AFIP
  • All data that can legally be collected through ANSES
  • Information on Pre and Post-occupational studies
  • Academic profile.
  • Professional profile.
  • Marital status and/or relationship in relation to other people, among whom may be minors or disabled people.
  • Address information.
  • Companies of which you are a shareholder or in which you have some type of participation or link.
  • Any other Information or Personal Data to which HUENEI IT SERVICES has access in the development of the legal, commercial, contractual or obligatory relationship it has with the Owner.

The Owners will not be obliged in any event to authorize the processing of sensitive data. Without prejudice to the foregoing, in cases where, in order to make the provision of the service possible, the Owners who provide any sensitive personal data must expressly consent to the processing of sensitive Personal Information and Data in accordance with this Policy.

Protection of personal data in video surveillance systems in accordance with the provisions of Disp. 10/2015 (conf. Law 25,326)

HUENEI IT SERVICES. will inform the Holders of personal data that they are in a video surveillance area and obtain their authorization for the Processing of the same. To do this, distinctive signs or notices can be used in video surveillance areas, mainly in the entrance areas to the places that are being watched and monitored and inside them.

In cases where audio recording is made, the Owners must also be informed of this situation. The signs or notices implemented must, at a minimum, comply with the content of a privacy notice, which must: include information about who is the Data Controller and their contact information, ii) Indicate the Treatment that will be given to the data and its purpose, iii) Include the rights of the Owners, iv) Indicate where the Information Processing Policy is published.

Additionally, the notice will be visible and legible taking into account the place where the Surveillance System operates.

Access to images by personal data holders

The Owners of the information are entitled to exercise their right of access to the images processed through SV. As such, when a Holder exercises this right, HUENEI IT SERVICES. ​must adopt the necessary procedures and measures to protect the rights of other Owners whose personal data have been processed together with those of the person requesting access.

Some of the measures that can be adopted are the following: i) Establish a procedure to access the images, which allows Huenei IT Services to verify the status of Owner of the person requesting access to the information. ii) Require data from the requesting Owner such as date, time, place, among others, to facilitate the location of the image and limit the exposure of third-party images as much as possible. iii) If a third party(s) Owner(s) of personal data appears in the image, the authorization of said third party(s) must be obtained for the delivery of the tape or recording. Iv) If you do not have the authorization of the third parties to disclose the information contained in the required tape or recording, Huenei IT Services must guarantee the anonymization of the data(s) of the third party(s), taking measures directed such as blurring or fragmenting the image of said third party(s).

Validity of the processing of Personal Information and Data

The information provided by the Owners may remain stored for up to ten (10) years from the date of the last treatment, to allow Huenei IT Services

Compliance with the legal and/or contractual obligations under your responsibility, especially in commercial, accounting and tax matters, or any event provided for by law.

Information on minor boys, girls and adolescents

Huenei IT Services​will ensure the appropriate use of the personal data of minor boys, girls and adolescents, guaranteeing that the laws that apply to them are respected in the processing of their data, as well as their best interest and their fundamental rights. and as far as possible, taking into account their opinion as Owners.

General procedure for the exercise of the rights of the Holders of Information and Personal Data

The procedures for the exercise of the rights of the Owners will be those provided for in Law 25,326 and its regulatory decrees. In compliance with law 25,326, HUENEI IT SERVICES requests your authorization to continue processing your information and personal data, in accordance with this Policy.

The Owners have the right to consult and know the details of the processing of their Information and Personal Data, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete and to cancel them when they are not being used in accordance with legal or contractual purposes and terms or according to the purposes and terms contemplated in this Policy.

With the acceptance of this Policy, the Owner freely, expressly and previously declares that he has been informed about the rights that the applicable laws grant him as the Owner of his Personal Information and Data and which are set out below:

  1. Know, update and rectify your Information and Personal Data in front of the Data Controller or Data Processor. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fragmented, misleading data, or those whose Processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  2. Request proof of the authorization granted to the Data Controller except when it is expressly excepted as a requirement for the Treatment.
  3. Be informed by the Data Controller or Data Processor, upon request, regarding the use that has been given to your Personal Information and Data.
  4. Submit complaints to the National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data, dependent on the Agency for Access to Public Information, for violations of the personal data protection regime.
  5. Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees. The revocation and/or deletion will proceed when the National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data has resolved by firm provision that in the Treatment the Controller or Processor has engaged in conduct contrary to current regulations.
  6. Access your Information and Personal Data that have been processed, upon request to HUENEI IT SERVICES. ​in the terms of the current regulations that apply to you. For queries whose frequency is greater than one for each (1) calendar month, HUENEI IT SERVICES will charge the Owner who requests said information, the costs of shipping, reproduction and, where applicable, certification of documents.

The exercise of the rights of the Owners

Queries​: The Owners, authorized persons or successors in title (when authorized by Law), may consult their Information and Personal Data that reside in the databases of HUENEI IT SERVICES.​, in which case HUENEI IT SERVICES. ​will provide the requested information, after verifying the legitimacy to submit said request. The query will be answered within a maximum period of ten (10) business days from the date of receipt. When it is not possible to attend to the query within said term, HUENEI IT SERVICES will inform the reasons for the delay, indicating the date on which your query will be attended to, which in no case may exceed five (5) business days following the expiration of the first term.

Claims​: If the Owners, authorized persons or assigns consider that the information and personal data contained in the databases of Huenei IT Services should be corrected, updated or deleted, or when they notice the alleged breach of any of the duties contained in the regulations, may file a claim with Huenei IT Services which will be processed under the following rules.

  1. The claim must be made by request addressed to Huenei IT Services with your identification, the description of the facts that give rise to the claim, your address, and accompanying the documents you wish to assert. If the claim is incomplete, Huenei IT Services will require you within five (5) days of receipt of the claim to correct the deficiencies. After two (2) months from the date of the request, without the required information being presented, Huenei IT Services will understand that it has withdrawn the claim.
  2. In the event that Huenei IT Services is not competent to resolve the claim, it will be transferred to the appropriate party within a maximum period of two (2) business days and you will be informed in a timely manner.
  3. The maximum term to address the claim will be fifteen (15) business days counted from the day following the date of its duly supported receipt. When it is not possible to address the claim within said term, you will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which your claim will be addressed, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term. .

To make their rights effective, the Owners can exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their information and personal data by sending their request by completing the form located on the following site:

You must complete the requested information.

The request for deletion of the Information and Personal Data and the revocation of the authorization or the request for limitation of the use and disclosure thereof will not proceed when the Owner has a legal or contractual duty to remain in the database, in the terms that the applicable laws provide.

IMPORTANT: Modifications to the Privacy Policy

Huenei IT Services reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this Policy at any time, to address legislative developments, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of its services or products.

These modifications will be available to the public through visible announcements on their website or through the last email provided.

Subject to applicable laws, the Spanish version of this Policy will prevail for the Argentine Republic over any version disclosed in another language. In the event that there is any inconsistency between the Spanish version and any translation of this Policy in another language, the Spanish version will prevail.