UX/UI Design YPF.
Improving user experience through the development of a mobile application necessary for the management of inventory of oil supplies.

Industry: Energy, Materials and Public Services
Client: YPF

Service: Agile Software Development.
Engagement Model: Dedicated Teams.

Technologies: Ionic para Android, iOS.

Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) is the Argentine energy company dedicated to the exploration, exploitation, distillation, distribution and production of electrical energy, gas, oil and derivatives of hydrocarbons, and the sale of fuels, lubricants, fertilizers, plastics and other products related to industry.
When beginning the intervention works in an oil well, the staff needs to schedule the provision of the materials on precise dates. This is done through an application from the available technological devices and equipment, this application had to be easy and intuitive to use for all the operators of the energy platform.
The company needed to provide its technological and operational team with the possibility of streamlining tasks related to the management of the oil platform, mainly in terms of requesting materials, managing inventories, and entering different kinds of requests, among others. For this purpose, a SaaS application was necessary which was supported by any device, both in the power plant and in adjacent offices.
Plant operators work under demanding conditions where their safety is prioritized, with many protocols to be followed in order to ensure their protection. Therefore, their work applications had to be conceived as easy to use, minimizing the time necessary to do their daily tasks, as well as the margin of error in general operations.

Business Goals.
YPF needed an application with high levels of usability, which effectively integrated with the rest of the complex management platforms. It had to be able to operate offline, and upon regaining connectivity, it had to send information in an orderly manner to the central servers.
The company was also seeking to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the team by reducing time in their tasks, so an interface was designed that allowed the user to be guided more quickly through development, facilitating ordering and requests.

In addition to the professionals necessary in the development of the mobile application, a sub-team specialized in creating the user experience and interface was formed, aimed at developing a comfortable and simplified browsing experience. The word “agility” was key at all times, since the time factor is crucial for plant operators.
The UX/UI team created an interactive prototype using the “Just In Mind” tool, which validated all the hypotheses proposed by the design team; demoing on-site with plant operators. Once the final design was validated, the application was developed, receiving fewer changes and requests from the client since its operation was almost completely validated.
YPF was satisfied with the launch of the application, which all its parameters in terms of usability, increased productivity, reduced task management time, among others, both from the plant operators team and from the adjacent offices.
It also brought about savings in terms of time and resources (financial, resources) in the production of the application, since thanks to the use of the interactive prototype, changes and optimizations were achieved in a mock-up that, after being validated, was fully developed.
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