by Huenei IT Services | Sep 4, 2024
Desarrollo de aplicación móvil que permitiera a los ciudadanos obtener información de las obras públicas realizadas por el Gobierno de Chile.
Industry: Goverment.
Client: Contraloría General de la República.
Service: Custom Software Development.
Engagement Model: Turnkey Projects.
Technologies: Java, Objective-C, Xcode, Eclipse.
The Office of the Comptroller General (CGR) of the Republic of Chile is a superior oversight agency of the State administration, contemplated in the country’s political constitution and enjoying autonomy vis-à-vis the executive power and other public agencies. The work of the Comptroller is eminently supervisory; of a legal, accounting and financial nature, intended to protect the principle of legality, that is, to verify that the State administration agencies act within the scope of their attributes and subject to the procedures set forth by the law.
The government agency needed to share as much as possible related to works of public interest, in accordance with the transparency policies required in the Republic of Chile; however, user experience was of utmost importance. After researching into this, we concluded that the best option was to develop a mobile application, which would allow users to make inquiries within a geographical space regarding different works of public interest.
The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile required a mobile application, which should present a look and feel allowing for easy navigation, as well as an intuitive and user-friendly interface, since it would include a series of features aimed at improving navigation experience. Among these features, the most note-worthy are: geographic queries, augmented reality view, view of particular works, work reporting capacities, etc.
Based on the needs of the institution, a project team was formed that would integrate quickly and seamlessly, defining that the best alternative for the project was the development of native applications for iOS and Android. This technology was chosen since the selected functionalities have a high demand for technological capacity, as is the case of the solution seen with augmented reality, taking into account that native applications have higher performance, thus maximizing user experience.
Conformación de un aplicativo de primer nivel capaz de mostrar en detalle toda la información referente a las obras públicas cuya información solicita el usuario, de la misma forma en que las funcionalidades solicitadas presentaban un correcto desempeño, permitiendo a los usuarios obtener una experiencia superior al visualizar, conocer y denunciar las obras según el carro que correspondiera.
by Huenei IT Services | Sep 4, 2024
Improving user experience through the development of a mobile application necessary for the management of inventory of oil supplies.
Industry: Energy, Materials and Public Services
Client: YPF
Service: Agile Software Development.
Engagement Model: Dedicated Teams.
Technologies: Ionic para Android, iOS.
Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) is the Argentine energy company dedicated to the exploration, exploitation, distillation, distribution and production of electrical energy, gas, oil and derivatives of hydrocarbons, and the sale of fuels, lubricants, fertilizers, plastics and other products related to industry.
When beginning the intervention works in an oil well, the staff needs to schedule the provision of the materials on precise dates. This is done through an application from the available technological devices and equipment, this application had to be easy and intuitive to use for all the operators of the energy platform.
The company needed to provide its technological and operational team with the possibility of streamlining tasks related to the management of the oil platform, mainly in terms of requesting materials, managing inventories, and entering different kinds of requests, among others. For this purpose, a SaaS application was necessary which was supported by any device, both in the power plant and in adjacent offices.
Plant operators work under demanding conditions where their safety is prioritized, with many protocols to be followed in order to ensure their protection. Therefore, their work applications had to be conceived as easy to use, minimizing the time necessary to do their daily tasks, as well as the margin of error in general operations.
YPF needed an application with high levels of usability, which effectively integrated with the rest of the complex management platforms. It had to be able to operate offline, and upon regaining connectivity, it had to send information in an orderly manner to the central servers.
The company was also seeking to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the team by reducing time in their tasks, so an interface was designed that allowed the user to be guided more quickly through development, facilitating ordering and requests.
In addition to the professionals necessary in the development of the mobile application, a sub-team specialized in creating the user experience and interface was formed, aimed at developing a comfortable and simplified browsing experience. The word “agility” was key at all times, since the time factor is crucial for plant operators.
The UX/UI team created an interactive prototype using the “Just In Mind” tool, which validated all the hypotheses proposed by the design team; demoing on-site with plant operators. Once the final design was validated, the application was developed, receiving fewer changes and requests from the client since its operation was almost completely validated.
YPF was satisfied with the launch of the application, which all its parameters in terms of usability, increased productivity, reduced task management time, among others, both from the plant operators team and from the adjacent offices.
It also brought about savings in terms of time and resources (financial, resources) in the production of the application, since thanks to the use of the interactive prototype, changes and optimizations were achieved in a mock-up that, after being validated, was fully developed.
by Huenei IT Services | Sep 4, 2024
Development of a native e-commerce application for Android and IOS devices for one of the main retailers in Latin America.
Industry: Retail
Client: Falabella
Service: Agile Dedicated Teams.
Engagement Model: Dedicated Teams.
Technologies: Java Android y Objective-C.
Group Falabella is one of the main retailers in Latin America who decided to deepen their e-commerce strategy by developing a native application for IOS and Android devices, seeking to implement an on-channel strategy that would allow it to achieve its business objectives.
Falabella sought to offer an excellent mobile experience to its clients through an application that meets the highest standards in the industry, following the best practices of UX/UI.
Offer a large stock of products with as much information as possible: images, description, price, etc. Possibility of updating information in real time. Integration with other modules that allow the purchase of products, such as stock management, logistics, collections, etc.
A multidisciplinary team was formed, capable of carrying out the analysis and technical design of the solution, taking into account the integrations and processes to be run from the back-end. For the front-end, diagrams, mocks and navigation prototypes were made so as to cover the end-to-end user experience. A native development for IOS and Android was carried out, complying with the best development practices, as well as code review and testing planning and execution. Once the solution was commissioned, corrective/evolutionary maintenance was performed, as well as general support for the app.
An application aligned to quality and usability standards was launched on the market, having an attractive design, as well as a high focus on the user experience, being able to guide you through the entire app. The application was quickly adopted by users, generating an increase in channel traffic, as well as transactions made through it. The application received the 2015 Chile e-Commerce Award for the best mobile e-commerce application of the year.
by Huenei IT Services | Sep 4, 2024
Development of corporate Sharepoint Portal for the management and distribution of information among different business areas.
Industry: Capital Goods
Client: ABB
Service: Custom Software Development.
Engagement Model: Turnkey Projects.
Technologies: Microsoft Sharepoint
ABB is a global engineering company providing hardware and software solutions for different areas, such as electrification, robotics, automation, motion, etc.; it is among the most highly renowned companies in the industry with more than 140,000 employees in over 100 countries. The company needed to optimize and accelerate production times; this goal was key to improving information and data sharing processes among its different departments.
ABB is made up of a large number of highly specialized departments, all of which are deeply interconnected. The company needed to improve information management among its departments; a key element of this improvement was updating its management portal, which was becoming outdated. Our challenge was to put together a platform capable of centralizing, sharing and protecting relevant information from production processes, as well as from the continuous requirements that the company handles on a daily basis.
The company was seeking a product able to surpass its current management portal in every way, achieving effective document management within one or more business divisions, while ensuring security and privacy. Together with ABB, we decided to implement a powerful collaborative work platform, improving communication among employees, as well as automating internal processes.
Based on ABB’s requirements, we developed a Sharepoint Portal with sites and subsites for the company’s different business areas as well as general information, product and process characteristics for each division and their corresponding Business Units and Applications Group. This helped achieve improvements in terms of project management, reporting, documentation and requirement management.
Thanks to having centralized information, correctly configured and distributed among the company’s divisions and business areas, and protected under strict security standards, ABB was able to shorten production times by streamlining communication among its departments, which resulted in a general increase in productivity.
by Huenei IT Services | Sep 4, 2024
Sound Hound Voice Assistant.
Development of a voice recognition product for the Spanish-speaking market.
Industry: Information Technologies
Client: SoundHound
Service: Agile Dedicated Teams
Engagement Model: Dedicated Teams.
Technologies: Java, Lua, C++, Python, PHP and GitLab
SoundHound is a company founded in 2005 that offers services related to voice and sound recognition for a variety of companies in different industries, from automotive to mass consumption.
The client was looking for a reliable partner with whom to develop the Spanish version of all its voice and audio recognition service platforms. The partner had to adapt to SoundHound’s own platforms and developments, complying with the company’s high quality standards.
Develop the Spanish version of the main domains of the Houndify platform. Enter the Spanish-speaking markets at the right time and using the right resources. Offer this platform with the quality that clients demand in these markets.
Development of the Spanish version of the main existing domains on the Houndify platform. For this, the queries that each domain can handle are analyzed, then these sentences are interpreted using the LUA programming language, translating them into all the commands available on the platform.
Subsequently, the platform generates a multiple response (visual, auditory and textual), whose texts are in English and translated into Spanish using the C ++ language. Additionally, libraries and tools are developed in Python, Bash and Perl languages.
Integration of the Spanish version of domains to the Houndify platform so that it can perform the proper interpretation of text or voice queries from users, both for SoundHound and its clients. These queries must also produce an answer in Spanish.