Sodimac App Optimization.

Corrective-Evolutionary maintenance of native applications for iOS and Android.

Industry: Retail.
Client: Sodimac.

Service: Custom Software Development.
Engagement Model:
Turnkey Projects.

Technologies: Objective C, Android Nativo.


Sodimac belongs to the Falabella business group, headquartered in the Republic of Chile, where it stands out as one of the main retail conglomerates in Latin America with a presence in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay and Mexico. The marketed services focus on those that fully address the needs of home improvement, as well as the supply of products and services for construction companies and professionals.


Thanks to the continuous growth of the telecommunication sector in Chile, as consumers accessed increasingly powerful devices, Sodimac understood that its customers’ habits were changing; they now wanted to obtain as much information as possible from products without the need to physically visit a store, as well as being able to shop online. The company needed to keep up with the changing habits of its consumers, making significant improvements to its digital devices and assets, so as to be able to meet end user expectations.


Business Goals.

Sodimac needed to optimize its digital platform, improving the user experience by providing comfortable navigation, emulating the purchase process in physical locations. One of the key points was the need to include the concept of “aisles”, where products of similar use were marketed, as well as offering an easy purchase process, bearing in mind that the company sought to increase its digital sales.



A corrective-evolutionary maintenance service was created, executed by a tailor-made agile team. The team was able to include a series of important improvements required by Sodimac, such as: product catalog, product categories (aisles), stock locator, physical store searches, among others. For this, we decided to carry out a major reengineering of the application code, making significant improvements that would allow a general optimization of the solution.



Satisfactory inclusion of all optimizations and improvements in applications, increasing the level of user satisfaction by adding features and functionalities to solve the specific needs of consumers. On the other hand, by supporting the purchase process on digital channels, the company was able to increase its sales, thus achieving excellent commercial results.

Ready to transform your business?

Take the first step towards digital transformation. Contact us and let’s explore how we can elevate your business.
